Kids Bible Lessons & Free Sunday School Lessons for Children

Free Children’s Bible Study Lessons

Sunday School Lesson: Mark 2:23-3:6 Jesus Heals on the Sabbath

This week’s Bible lesson is from Mark 2:23-3:6, where we explore the important message Jesus taught about showing love and kindness over strictly following rules. This lesson is designed to engage children aged 8-10 with a fun and interactive storytelling approach. You will guide the children through the story using simple scripture readings, clear explanations, and relatable life connections to help them understand the context and significance of Jesus’ actions. Encourage participation through quick hand-raising activities, playful sound effects, and mimicking actions to keep their attention and make the lesson memorable. Remember to emphasize the Gospel Connection, where you can…

Pentecost Sunday School Lesson (Acts 2:1-21) Happy Birthday Church

This free Sunday School lesson plan for Pentecost is designed for Kindergarten through 6th grade students. It focuses on the Holy Spirit as a gift, emphasizing the importance of Pentecost in the history of the Church. The lesson plan includes: The lesson aims to teach children about the Holy Spirit, the significance of Pentecost, and the importance of sharing God’s love with others. Sunday School Lesson on Pentecost and the Holy Spirit Happy Birthday, Church! Acts 2:1-21 Pentecost is an important and exciting event in the history of the church. Jesus promised to send the Holy Spirit, which was fulfilled…

The Power of Prayer (Philippians 4) Children’s Sermon and Moral Lesson for Kids

Teacher Script Introduction Hello children of God! Today we’re going to play a trading game to learn about an important message from the Bible. Imagine I gave you some things: chia seeds, a weight, a toothbrush, and candy pumpkins. These are all okay things, but maybe you would rather have something different. For example, instead of the weight, you might prefer a baseball glove. Or, instead of the chia seeds, you might prefer candy pumpkins (even though not everyone likes them). The point is, we often prefer good things over not-so-good things. Trading for Something Better This is similar to…

Who’s in Charge? (Mattew 22:15-22) Children’s Sermon and Moral Lesson for Kids

Teacher Script Introduction Hello children of God! Today, let’s talk about someone very important. But before we get started, I want to ask you a question: who is the boss? Who is in charge? The answer might depend on where you are. For instance, at home, your parents might be the ones making the rules. In school, it would be your teacher. At your workplace, it would be your boss, manager or CEO. Different Authority Figures Let’s say you play a sport. Then your coach would be the one calling the shots, telling you what exercises to do and explaining…

Grace is Sweeter than Candy (Halloween Object Lesson) Children’s Sermon and Moral Lesson for Kids

Teacher Script Introduction Hello children of God! Today is a beautiful day and we’re celebrating a fun season. Do you know what it is? (Fall/Autumn) That’s right! Fall is a time for many fun things like caramel apple spice lattes, colorful leaves, and of course, pumpkins! But there’s something else we see a lot of during this time of year – candy! Candy and Trick-or-Treating Stores are full of candy around Halloween and it can be a fun time to enjoy some treats. Do you ever go to trunk-or-treat events at church? Trunk-or-treating is where people decorate their car trunks…

Crossing the Jordan River (Joshua 3 & 4) Children’s Sermon and Moral Lesson for Kids

Teacher Script Introduction Hello children of God! Today’s lesson is about trusting God. Do you trust me? Great! Let’s play a game. I’ll blindfold you and you’ll need to listen to my instructions carefully. (Play a blindfold game with a volunteer). Even though you couldn’t see, you trusted me and you got a prize! This is similar to our faith in God. Bible Story In the Bible, after Moses died, Joshua became the leader of the Israelites. They were getting ready to enter the Promised Land, but there was a big obstacle – the Jordan River which was overflowing. The…

Mother’s Day Children’s Sermon and Bible Object Lesson for Kids

Give Mom a Hand! Mother’s Day Sunday School Object Lesson Main Objective: We know that it is important to honor our parents, and that God has entrusted us with mothers and fathers to care for and love us. It’s helpful to communicate to kids that God has actually commanded us to respect our parents, because He has placed them in our lives to help and watch over us. Even if we don’t have the best moms, we can celebrate the leaders that God gives us. This message reminds children that God loves and cares for us, and gives us others…

Love One Another (John 15:9-17) Bible Lesson for Kids – Jesus’ New Commandment

This Sunday school lesson plan aims to help children understand the meaning of joy and how it differs from happiness. The kids’ Bible lesson explains that joy is a deep and lasting inner attitude that comes from abiding in God’s love. Teaching from John 15:9-17, it encourages students to rest in God’s presence and trust Him, so that they may know the peace that passes all understanding and experience lasting joy. The lesson also emphasizes loving and serving others as a natural outflow of gratitude for God’s love. Jesus’ New Commandment (John 15:9-17) Bible Lesson for Children on “Love One…

Choose God! (Joshua 24) Children’s Sermon and Moral Lesson for Kids

Lesson Outline : Choose God! (Joshua 24) Children’s Sermon and Moral Lesson for KidsIntroduction Greet the students and introduce yourself.Briefly explain the topic of the day (making the right choices).Show the title of the video and ask the students what they think they will learn (e.g. how to make good decisions). DiscussionLead a discussion with the students about the key points.Ask questions such as: What are some examples of easy choices? (Clapping/snapping, humming/whistling)What are some examples of choices where there might be a better option? (Granola vs Pop-Tarts, reading vs playing on the phone)Why are the choices we make important?…

Who’s Got Talent? Parable of the Talents (Matthew 25:14-30) Children’s Sermon and Moral Lesson for Kids

Introduction Greet the students and introduce yourself.Briefly explain the topic of the day (The Parable of the Talents).Show the title of the video and ask the students what they think they will learn (e.g. how to use our talents for God). DiscussionLead a discussion with the students about the key points.Can you give some examples of talents that God gives people? (Discuss the answers with the students – sports, science, math, writing, etc.) ActivityProvide the students with materials to create a drawing or write a short story about a talent they have and how they can use it for God.Allow…

Give Thanks Always! (Psalm 100) Children’s Sermon and Moral Lesson

Lesson Outline Introduction Discussion Activity Conclusion Teacher Script Introduction Hi everyone, good morning! Today we’re going to learn about the importance of giving thanks. Discussion Let’s discuss what we learned. What are some ways to say thank you? (Discuss the answers with the students). We should be thankful for the people in our lives who help us. Who are some of the people you are thankful for? (Discuss the answers with the students). Activity Now, let’s create a card or poster to show someone we are thankful for! I will provide you with materials to create your thank you card…

The Potter and the Clay (Isaiah 64) Children’s Sermon and Moral Lesson

Introduction Discussion Activity Conclusion Teacher Script Introduction Hi everyone, good morning! Today we’re going to learn about how God is like a potter and we are like clay. Discussion Alright, let’s discuss what we learned. What is pottery? (Discuss the answers with the students). A potter can mold clay into different shapes. God is like a potter and we are like clay. What do you think that means? (Discuss the answers with the students). Activity Now, let’s create our own pottery pieces to show what we learned! I will provide you with clay or playdough and other materials. (Distribute materials…

The Comfort of God’s Word (Isaiah 40) Children’s Sermon and Moral Lesson for Kids

Introduction Discussion Activity Conclusion Teacher Script Introduction Hi everyone, good morning! Today we’re going to learn about finding hope in difficult times. Discussion Even though winter can be difficult, there is always hope because spring will come again. What other ways can we find hope? (Discuss the answers with the students). Activity Now, let’s create something to show how we can find hope during difficult times! I will provide you with materials to create a drawing or write a short story. (Distribute materials and allow the students to create their artwork or write their stories). Once you’re finished, let’s share…

Share Christ’s Light (John 1) Children’s Sermon and Moral Lesson for Kids.

Teacher Script: Hi everyone, good morning! Today we’re going to learn about how we can share Christ’s light with others. Let’s discuss what we learned. What does it mean to share Christ’s light according to the video? (Discuss the answers with the students). Can you think of any examples of how you can be kind? (Discuss the answers with the students). Today, we learned that we can share Christ’s light with others by being kind and compassionate. Everyone has a light inside of them, and we can let our light shine by being kind to others. How can you be…

Angels Share Good News (Luke 1:26-38) Children’s Sermon and Moral Lesson for Kids

Introduction Discussion (10 minutes) Activity Conclusion Teacher Script: Hi everyone, good morning! Today we’re going to learn about angels and the good news they bring. Now, let’s use our imagination to create something about angels and good news! I will provide you with materials to create a drawing or write a short story. (Distribute materials and allow the students to create their artwork or write their stories). Once you’re finished, let’s share our creations with the class. Who would like to come up first and tell us about their work? Today, we learned that angels are messengers from God who…

More Free Sunday School Lessons Curriculum for Kids

Sunday School hosts thousands of free children’s ministry activities for Sunday School and Kids Church.
Youth Group LessonsCreative Bible lessons for teens that are packed with game ideas, skits, meaningful discussion questions, role-playing, and even art projects that teenagers will love.
30-Minute Sunday School LessonsDownload our free 30-minute Sunday School lessons in PDF format from the Sunday School Store.

Free Sunday School: Nurturing Children’s Faith

Nurturing the faith of our children is vital, and providing engaging Bible lessons for kids is one of the best ways to do this. As we teach our children’s Bible lessons, we create a foundation for their spiritual growth, ensuring that God’s word resonates within their hearts.

Engaging Bible Study Activities for Kids

Through interactive kids’ Bible studies, we can help each child develop a deeper connection with God and Jesus, as they learn about the Holy Spirit and the life-changing messages in Bible stories. With comprehensive lesson plans, teaching Bible lessons to children becomes an enriching experience for both the teacher and the students. Our carefully crafted children’s Bible lessons are designed to speak directly to kids, allowing them to hear God’s voice and understand the relevance of the scriptures in their lives.

Interactive Kids Bible Lessons: Making Scripture Fun and Relatable

At the heart of children’s spiritual growth lies the power of engaging Bible lessons tailored specifically for kids. By teaching them captivating Bible stories through well-designed lesson plans, we help our children understand the timeless messages of God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. Children’s Bible lessons are essential in fostering a deep and lasting connection with the Word, as kids’ Bible study sessions bring these divine teachings to life in a relatable and age-appropriate way.

Tips for Delivering Impactful Kids Bible Studies on a Budget

By incorporating interactive activities and thought-provoking discussions, each child has the opportunity to experience the ways in which God speaks to us through Scripture. As we prioritize high-quality children’s Bible lessons and invest in the spiritual well-being of each child, we lay the foundation for a lifelong relationship with Jesus and the wisdom He imparts.

What are some good Bible lessons for kids?

Some good Bible lessons for kids include the story of Noah’s Ark, the tale of David and Goliath, and the parable of the Good Samaritan. These engaging lessons teach children about faith, courage, and kindness while introducing them to timeless Biblical principles in a relatable and age-appropriate way. Interactive activities and discussions can further enhance their understanding and connection to the Word.

What are some good Bible study lessons?

Good Bible study lessons often focus on key themes such as faith, love, forgiveness, and redemption. Popular topics include the Sermon on the Mount, the Fruit of the Spirit, the Prodigal Son, and the Armor of God. These lessons provide in-depth exploration of Scripture, encouraging reflection, discussion, and personal application of Biblical teachings in daily life.

How do you prepare a Bible lesson for kids?

To prepare a Bible lesson for kids, follow these steps: 1) Choose an age-appropriate Bible story or theme; 2) Identify the key message or moral you want to convey; 3) Develop a clear and concise lesson outline; 4) Incorporate interactive activities, such as crafts, games, or role-playing, to engage the children; 5) Prepare discussion questions to encourage reflection and understanding; and 6) Conclude the lesson with a prayer or takeaway that reinforces the key message. Remember to adapt your approach to the age group and learning styles of the children.

What to teach 10 year olds Bible?

When teaching the Bible to 10-year-olds, focus on stories and themes that are relatable and engaging for their age group. Popular topics include the Ten Commandments, the life of Jesus, the parables of Jesus, and lessons on faith, love, and forgiveness. Use interactive activities, such as games, skits, and crafts, to help them understand and apply the teachings in their daily lives. Encourage open discussions and questions to deepen their comprehension and personal connection to the Bible.