Children’s Bible Crafts: God Will Provide Genesis 22:1-14

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Title: Fun Bible Crafts for Kids: The Story of Abraham and Isaac


Teaching children about the Bible can sometimes be a challenge, especially when the stories involve complex themes. One such story is that of Abraham and Isaac from Genesis chapter 22. This story, which involves God asking Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaac, can be difficult for children to understand. However, it’s an important story that highlights the concept of sacrifice and the importance of putting God first in our lives. To help children better understand this story, we’ve come up with two fun and engaging Bible crafts.

Craft 1: The Sacrificial Altar

The first craft is a representation of the sacrificial altar where Abraham was prepared to sacrifice Isaac. This craft is simple to make and requires a paper plate, some pre-cut strips of paper to represent fire, and markers or crayons to draw the wood for the altar.


  1. Start by writing the title “Altar of Sacrifice” on the paper plate.
  2. Draw some wood on the plate using markers or crayons.
  3. Apply glue to the plate and stick the pre-cut strips of paper to represent the fire.
  4. Write the caption “God spared Abraham’s son but not his own” at the bottom of the plate.
  5. Add a reference to Genesis 22 and draw a small cross to remind us of God’s sacrifice.

This craft serves as a visual reminder of the great sacrifice that God was willing to make for us.

Craft 2: The Ram

The second craft focuses on the ram that was used as a substitute for Isaac. This craft helps children understand the concept of Jesus as our substitution, the Lamb of God who died so we don’t have to die for our sins.


  1. Start with a piece of paper and write the title “The Great Sacrifice.”
  2. Write the caption “A ram died instead of Isaac. The Lamb of God died instead of me.”
  3. Draw the outline of a ram on the paper.
  4. Create the ram’s horns using a pipe cleaner and tape them onto the paper.
  5. Cover the ram with cotton balls to make it look fluffy.
  6. Add a cross made from popsicle sticks to the paper to represent Jesus.

This craft serves as a reminder of the sacrifice that was made for Isaac and the even more amazing sacrifice that was made for us.


These two crafts provide a hands-on and engaging way for children to learn about the story of Abraham and Isaac. They serve as visual reminders of the sacrifices made in the Bible and the importance of putting God first in our lives. Feel free to adapt and rearrange these crafts to suit your needs. We hope these crafts can be a blessing to you and your ministry, wherever and with whomever that might be.

Remember, the goal is not just to make crafts, but to make disciples. So, go ahead, make some crafts, make some disciples, and have a great week!

Join us again

We have new videos out every week, so join us again for more fun Bible crafts for kids. Until then, keep crafting and keep sharing the love of God with the little ones in your life. See you next time!

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